Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee Draft Report


CLA518 - The Milk Marketing Board (England and Wales) (Revocations) Regulations 2015


These Regulations revoke three pieces of ‘obsolete’ subordinate legislation as a consequence of the Red Tape Challenge. The instruments in question relate to the Milk Marketing Board for England and Wales – in particular, to disputes arising as a result of its reorganisation and to the winding up of its affairs. These instruments are redundant, as the Board was dissolved on 31 January 2002 (by SI 2002/128).


Procedure: Negative


Technical Scrutiny


These Regulations will apply to England and Wales and are subject to approval by both Houses of Parliament and the National Assembly for Wales. They are therefore made only in English.


Standing Order 21.2(ix): the instrument is not made or to be made in both English and Welsh


Merits Scrutiny


No points are identified for reporting under Standing Order 21.3 in respect of this instrument.


Legal Advisers

Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee

April 2015